"A tradition of outreach that goes back to the time of the Mayflower."
While charity, it is said, begins at home, in the cause of Christ and his church, it cannot stay there. Jesus in his parting words to his disciples commissions and commands his followers to go out into the world and take the gospel to people in every land, and to communicate the message in every tongue. Matthew 28:18-20.
So we seek to help those who are involved in Christian work both at home and abroad, and through the larger work of the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches, we send and support men and women who are teaching new skills to local people to enable them to better farm their own lands and feed their own people.
The missionaries of today are sensitive to the cultural climate of the country in which they find themselves and they seek not to control the indigenous people but to assist them, not to dictate but to direct, to show the love and compassion of Christ in practical ways, and when the opportunity arises to share their faith and explain what they are doing and why,, so many miles from home.
The Congregational Church of Sun City has a history of generosity. Through our Missions Board, we strive to assist, support and encourage those who are working in the name of Jesus, whether that work is going on in Scottsdale or the Sudan, Peoria or the Philippines, Mexico or Maine.
Many worthy Christian charities have benefited from our gifts. When you have ideas or concerns about the church's outreach, contact a member of the Missions Board.
How are income sources generated?
- A line item in the annual church budget
- Special offerings at Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas
- Special offerings as a need becomes known
What is the priority list in considering a missionary effort?
- Congregational related
- Christian connected
- Christian connected but not previously supported
- Not Christian connected by deemed worthy of support
Every dollar given to missions goes to missions. Nothing is withheld for administrative purposes.